Juhani Ihanukselta on äskettäin julkaistu Liettuassa aforismikirja On the Edge. Englanninkielisen teoksen pohjana on hänen vuonna 2013 ilmestynyt aforismikokoelma Reunalla. Pieniä muutoksia alkuperäistekstiin sisältävä käännöstyö on myöskin tekijän omaa käsialaa.
Kirjan esittelyteksti ja tilausohjeet:
Juhani Ihanus published his collection of aphorisms Reunalla first in Finnish (Helsinki: Impressio, 2013) and rewrote it in English as On the Edge that was published in Lithuania, in the Republic of Uzhupis (Vilnius: Zarzecze, 2015, 124 pages, ISBN 978-609-95621-3-1, softcover). Ihanus’ aphorisms are located and dislocated amid programmed brains and research results, blowing onto the futurological plans, and dosing striking diagnoses with all the trimmings. The basic trust on the kisses (”No kiss is vain knowledge”) guides the reader’s mind onto the brink of the ineffable.
On the Edge can be ordered as the garland of words slithering into your retreats of silence. The price is 14 euros, including the postage to your country. Send the orders straight to the author juhani.ihanus (a) helsinki.fi
Muutamia aforismipoimintoja kirjasta:
The administration of information refused entry into anart exhibition. “You have the wrong password.”
A castle of disease as a shelter against the phobia of health.
In the retreats of silence, one does not pray but gazes round
to see who the hell is there.
The longer I wrote my memoirs, the more fictive they became.
Throw your experience to the concept apparatus and print an
Praying, well-paid, for success. His address is ex.god.com.
Gasping messages of love: teledildos are chatting.
Mission accomplished: a consumer packed for the range of
a remote controller.